have probably already aware of this "new" artist whose main market is for children. Spend all day in the televised spots music with his song "The cow Tomasa."
Well, for starters is not as new as this is Patricia Sirvent, one of the Jeans , daughter of the creator of the group representative and Jeans, Alejandro Sirvent.
We had talked on this blog about the possible disintegration of the Jeans group, but that's another subject.
The point here is to analyze the successes and failures patylu concept, which is aimed primarily at children and tweens.
Consider first the big picture. We have 2 main hypotheses:
a) The child is neglected market.
b) The children's market is saturated.
(note that this is not a scientific or academic study but are used some elements to validate this test.)
Well, it turns out that both hypotheses are correct. But we must develop each of them to understand the situation patylu.
child is neglected market
Indeed, today there are very few artists in the mainstream focused on this market. We are talking mainly from Mexico and other Latin American countries. It's actually a great area of \u200b\u200bopportunity and for this part, it is leveraging patylu perfectly.
The children's market is saturated
This is also very true. Is saturated by artists and foreign characters. Here's a short list: Lazy Town
- Backyardigans Pocoyo
- Dora Diego
- Hi5
What are all these characters together?
The first clue: It's something that has not patylu.
The second clue: It's something that other Mexican artists focused on the children they have had.
And what is it?
Well, the answer is not complicated:
A television program
In the case of Mexico have for example Chabelo, Tatiana, the twins Ivonne e Ivette, etc.
The difference between success and failure is precisely patylu consider that point. Getting a TV show.
Unlike other genres, in Mexico there NO radio stations dedicated to teen and preteen audience, which would be ideal for patylu. On the contrary there are many television channels dedicated to these audiences and therefore it should be their course.
Bottom line, if not get a patylu TV failure is almost certain, but if successful it is almost assured éxtito.
Bonus points:
"If it goes a little over her miniskirt (and rather short at the time) could capture much of the adult male audience.
"The title of the song" The cow Tomasa "sounds much like the traditional song" La Negra Tomasa. " Perhaps it was part of his inspiration, but it may also help you to get closer to a more adult audience than the child.