Thursday, December 3, 2009

Lincoln Ls Angel Eye Headlights

Gamer Series and Teen movies: The best

series and movies teen sex scenes are full of innocent jokes disguised as humiliating. Here are two scenes of my favorite shows: Zoey 101

In the next scene we see how Jamie Lynn Spears (Zoey) falls on his face a kind of gelatin called "goo-pop." But the scene actually represents a premature male (cumshot) on her pretty face. Consider the scene:

Unable to make a porno with her because at that time was 16, and also that now that it has 18 charge enough to make one, you opt for a much cheaper and totally legal to do so. It's a cumshot with gelatin instead of semen to see the face that would if you had the opportunity to ejaculate on her. Great, right? It is seen that even smile! I like it! Greedy! Hannah Montana

This is much easier to identify since they do not have to guess anything. What goes perfectly with the view. It Miley is angry with Lily (Emily Osment) and puts a fish inside the brassiere (bra). Lily responds the same way, putting a fish Miley between her breasts. Consider the scene:

Great! You do not really is not an erotic scene? Two girls aged 14 to fish between her breasts. That girls so dirty! Here there is no need to imagine anything. Is even seen as slippery. Who wants to be caught? Well, with a little imagination, we assume that the fish touched her nipples there inside her brassiere (bra).

And is that if allowed to do that in front of cameras, what will not do in private?

Well, these were just a few examples, but these series are full of scenes like that. Whenever a teenager ends humiliated, face or body full of some sticky substance. We can mention the countless times when this happens to Demi Lovato Sonny (Sunny With a Chance), and also in movie Princess Protection Program (Princess Protection Program), both Disney and Emma Roberts in the series Superfabulosa (Unfabulous) of Nickelodeon , anyway.

Despite the lack of consistency in his plots, not by little " series and movies teen are the best?

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Emperor Ts-5010 Opiniones

Criticism Dare to Dream [telenovela]

I decided to write this post since I have not found online any criticism of this soap opera that includes the points I mentioned. Indeed, the only decent review I found about it is an academic essay written by Ivon Barrera Noguez who approaches the subject from the critical theory Horkheimer and Adorno . They can be found at the following address: .mx / spip.php? Article115

Well, I begin:


main market which is focused this soap opera are NOT teens (adolescents), but tweens ( tw eens ) of 8 to 11 years of age. And, since the characters have about 13 to 14 years old (well, right now and all are 14), it is difficult for someone that age to identify with the characters. While it is known that people tend to identify with characters of the same age and physical characteristics, children and young people seeking their slightly older models precisely because they would be higher, as well as adults and older adults identify with characters young as they would like to be young. Ironically

In a production of such magnitude as is Dare to Dream (Mexican version of "Ugly Duckling"), there are NO coincidences. Absolutely everything that appears is there for a reason. And because the soap is full of ironies, we know that were placed on purpose. Here are some examples. Popular

turns out that the group of ugly, no stick, and losers who want to be popular are calling themselves popular. I mean, the ugliest girl in the whole school, which is above the provincial poor (Ducky) is popular! in this case the popular term is applied to "represent the people." Camp

The name of the school. Here the reference is obviously towards Camp Rock, Disney film with Demi Lovato and Jonas Brothers , although within the novel means "School of Plastic Arts and Music." I mean, bad grammar tells us the meaning that was put to the force because they had to call CAMP and was the first thing that happened to them.

But on the other hand, the word comes from French Camp camper is , which means "pose in an exaggerated form." Is defined as "banality, artifice, mediocrity, or ostentation so extreme as to cause an attractive sophisticated" in reference to the banality and triviality of the middle class naif. And that is precisely what they represent the school and its students within the novel. They are the middle class that seeks naif belong to the elite upper class imitating their characteristics and cultural habits.

The best example for this is the divine, which are the fashion dress and are the upper class.

The divine

The problem here is that in fact the upper class is not like the divine, but the soap opera says yes, precisely so that the consuming public soap opera as well as the characters and thus achieve the same social status.

And that's to use pens with teddy ... "Hello? It is most naco! But right now are selling like hotcakes because all the girls want to bring one to feel the divine.

Then, Loser said that making the hand signal, is so old fashioned! Loser

few months ago, passing through the center of the city and saw two girls leaving a store. Must have been between about 16-18 years. Total who were just off and stared into his eyes, to think about something they had seen inside the store and then one made the sign of L with his hand on his forehead and said "loser." I stayed with the face of "what?". I mean, no one does that! What's wrong? "In what century?

Days later, that same week, I saw Camp Rock and precisely is a bad scene where he tells a good "loser" by the symbol with her hand on the forehead (though in English says "Whatever Major Loser ") and Demi Lovato replied" That's so old fashioned. Everybody knows it. Ohh, sorry, I do not think the whole world "thus ending ridiculing of poor mill is believed to use that as a sign outdated. I stayed "ahh! I won it! Nooo! "But no, I say, the film had already been written, produced, filmed and distributed prior to that I can think that, so no, I stole it from the mind. To me it occurred to me until I saw the girls outside the store.

The term loser together with their respective sign became popular in American culture during the late 90's and began to fall into disuse early in the new millennium as it was overexploited by different media products aimed at the teen market. The ultimate use of this type and that also marked its decline was the film of the same name "Loser" (quite bad, in fact) released in 2000, with Jason Biggs (of American Pie ).

Today the term "loser" is still used, but without the corresponding signal, and has evolved into more complex forms as "LBR (Loser Beyond Recognition) or" Ew "(Eternal Wannabe).

In Mexico, the only media space that contributes to popularize the term and the signal within the country is on the agenda Otro Rollo Adal Ramones precisely at the beginning of the millennium, when the United States begins to be totally gone from fashion. Bone and the worst is that not even a teen program to do that, but which is a type-aged and leaving with his cap like a youngster trying to imitate the language of those who are 20 or 30 years younger than him. Fortunately he took off his Peter Pan complex (the eternal child), his hat, left the program and began to make things more consistent with their age.

recently premiered in the United States a musical number called "Glee," which also use this sign as part of the logo and the slogan says "sounds good to be a Loser." However, in the same advertising is recognized that Glee is full of stereotypes and clichés, and during episodes mentioned is not used precisely because they do not sign among adolescents using school as are his characters. Dark Girl

Among the "popular" (the mob because) there's a girl believed to be dark (Marisol) but rather seems emo and it turns out that the "divine" will put nickname "Raven" and angry! I mean, not like! (Dare to dream journal, No. 8, Year 1, pg. 36) Instead, it should be proud of the nickname, of course, if truth were dark. And is that the reference is obviously for the movie "The Crow" ( The Crow, 1994 ) that is an icon within the culture dark. Is everything that is classic emo not even know why she dresses in black (which is one reason why darks and other hate groups emos, so dress for fashion and not ideology). And then, look at the image below, say, the wallpaper is not official, but he did a fan, but cheked nomas razor blades! with hearts! Ewww! Mega- emo.

Well, I got sick of such garbage masquerading as " in " in this telenovela. They say it will end on April 30, 2010 (day of the child). Hopefully that will not last a day or more.

Poptropica Home

Coca Zero, Belinda and the Cold War

I mean, what happens to the publishers of coca cola? "Hello? It makes pco saw the commercial where Belinda out announcing ke Coke Zero and it is music for the song "99 red ballons" / "99 Luftballons" (which we talked on this blog ), but they change the letter announcing the aforementioned drink.

And what is the problem?

Well, it is a song written in Alemnia over there in the early 80's to protest the Cold War and the Berlin Wall that divided the country into 2 parts. Physically there was a wall that prevented the ball from side to side. On the one hand, the GDR and the other capitalist. And these grab it and turn it into a jingle to advertise coca zero! What happens?

mean, the show is with the publishers of coke because I doubt that Belinda knew something about the song. They have heard the dime back, now that it became fashionable again for the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall and from there they came to grab the dirt mall.

Well, there I leave the video:

Monday, November 23, 2009

Fedora Linux Creative Live Cam Notebook

17, Demi Lovato Birthday

For those unable to attend the party on November 14, here I leave this video. See what you missed.

Catchy Phrases For Birthday Invitations

Well, now that it is in every way the theme of the Berlin Wall fell by 20 anniversary, here I leave a song written in Germany in protest against the cold war. Although, of course, this is the 2009 version.

99 Red Balloons. Hope you like it.

Nena-99 Luftballons new version (2009)

Friday, November 13, 2009

Media Remote Repeating Problem

99 Luftballons Lady Gaga style makeup

Well, here I leave this video tutorial to learn how to make-up as Lady Gaga Pokerface in the video. It is in English, but still there are going to see everything, so it is not difficult. Whether

to leave the brothel, or just for fun, there it is:

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Capture Card Xbox 360

remember the first time I saw the announcement of this series on Channel 5 ( Televisa, Mexico ) . I thought it was great. Finally, a Mexican series on glam and fashion .

The commercial only put the title of the series and animated background a song Lady Gaga . Enough. There is nothing more to say. A big announcement. The title says it all. High expectations.

For days and weeks after I cursed myself for not having Telehit (the channel that airs the program) and not being able to enjoy this great series. Finally I said "well, you're probably on the Internet, at least one chapter you can see." Indeed

found it. I did not make this post until he had seen more chapters. I've seen 9 at the time. I think that is sufficient and not need to see anymore. It bad !!!!! terrible!! Expectations had not only fallen to the ground, but still below the ground.

start by repeating something I've said many times on this blog: When I see a movie, a series, a soap opera, or any program, what interests me are neither actions nor fidelity to the original story, nor the quality or production purposes, what interests me most is the story. It turns out that Glam Girls is terrible in EVERYTHING!


- Action. The actors are awful to act and to speak up. They have an accent I do not disparage Monterrey Monterrey because, I mean, everyone has their own accent and history is located in the city. But talk like spoiled children, seem to have 10 years! Hello ? Besides the secondary characters speak as if they were reading (and the players too, but they notice a little less).

- Sound . Awful. Sometimes be heard loud what they say and sometimes you have to upload the entire volume to understand what they say. Up in the external shots heard all the wind hitting the microphone and that makes it impossible to continue the conversation. The sound is the worst.

- Production . Sets, costumes, phrases remind me of ultrafabulosas "third world." Here is who made the attempt but it just is not.

Most importantly,

- history. Here I would say that the basis of the script is good, but only the base. That is, each chapter has its climax and the story leads you to it. But the detail and execution is abysmal. Let nortamericano model to exemplify, the climax is the Blackest Moment (the darkest about their character's goal ), and it happens, but NO never seen the worst. From the literary point of view the Blackest moment is the worst that can happen to the character and must be carried to the point where the character is no longer a way out and is confronted internally. This internal confrontation (although sometimes also external) changes and evolves the character. All this never sees in the series. This is the part that affects the viewer and makes him feel he is living the life of actor, but unfortunately in Glam Girls never happens. Too bad. While everything else is bad, this could save the series. If they did apply.

is a pity that Glam Girls becomes a more mediocre series produced in Mexico. And not just one more, but one of the worst. While waiting for her.

[I clarify, and I repeat, I have nothing against the series produced in Mexico, on the contrary would be happy to produce good series in Mexico and exported to all over the world, but the duopoly Televisa TvAzteca narrative does not allow to evolve beyond the soap opera, which remains its flagship product.]

can waste your time watching online at the following address:

Treating Sores With Sugar

Glam Girls Princess Protection Program and cold sores Selena Gomez

Well, I start talking about the movie Princess Protection Program ( Princess Protection Program ) of Disney displayed where Demi Lovato and Selena Gomez .

The film is generally in good regularly. For anything extraordinary, and if you do not see do not miss anything. Say, recommended for women 13 years or less. system fashion cliques is shown in a very inferior to other genre films such as Mean Girls ( Mean Girls) with Lindsey Lohan, or even more than other light as Sleepover (Sleepover ). As I said, you'll enjoy it if you are 13 years or less.

labial herpes Selena Gomez

What really caught my attention throughout the film is that Selena Gomez (star of Wizards of Waverly Place ) had 3 sores on ALL your mouth for the film .

Making a detailed analysis:

In the scenes where Selena Gomez appears very close to the camera, appear to be tiny bumps, pimples perhaps most, since it is makeup, but still noticeable.

Where it appears from afar (and less makeup), yes there is enough to notice that are more than pimples, are 3 large fires on the right side (left for the viewer) of his mouth, one up, two down . Surely, in the Blue Ray be felt even more.

This makes me think ... Where the hell puts Selena Gomez your mouth? Or what goes into your mouth?

course, the first hypothesis would be that something had to do to get the role, however Demi Lovato oral herpes is not the whole movie, at least not to look like in the case of Selena Gomez , so I do not think this has been the reason.

However, it is clear that somehow Selena he caught oral herpes just before starting the filming of the movie. Where or by whom? Hard to say. But considering that the movie was filmed in Puerto Rico , we have 2 options:

a) His girlfriend, they were told "not going to see in a long time, I'm going to miss much, make me something to remind you durtante all this time you're out" or some similar verb.

b) He went with someone he met in Puerto Rico.

The point here is that cold sores lasted ALL filming the movie, so unless the film has lasted 3 days, the source of his was not labial herpes, but genital, ie not acquired by a kiss on the mouth of a boy, but by kissing another part of the body (the penis it).

There are many treatments to remove cold sores within 5 days (and considering this is a Disney star is obvious that it would pay anything to remove it in less time, in this case, buying the more expensive it removed in 3 days).

The question then is: What does Selena Gomez with your mouth? What gets into it?

I know many people will not mind, but I could not avert my eyes from his mouth from the first scene in which she appears with 3 volcanoes on his lips. I hope you will after reading this.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Australian Motorcycle Wheel Chocks

Why men do not like using condoms?

long ago I have the concern to address this issue and is of great interest to many women (and men). After searching the internet I found little useful information on this subject and I have not seen anywhere mention the points I am about to present below, which I think are very important to understand this phenomenon and the failure campaigns to promote its use.


First of all, we must understand that a circumcised man is sexually very different from one that does not. It is what is colloquially say "Hooded " (no circumcision) and "no hood " (with circumcision). How to have sex, oral sex on him, or even how to masturbate is totally different, because the part where you feel sexual pleasure is physically located in different places.

For example, someone with circumcised NEVER going to ask that we let get "just the tip ", while someone who does not have them. But why?

Now, someone who is not circumcised has its most sensitive part of the glans (head), while someone with circumcised is the sensitive part below the glans as this part becomes insensitive to always be in touch with the clothes ( not being protected by the foreskin).

Then see the difference:

  • is excited to feel pressure in your head
  • The head is the most sensitive part
  • Oral sex is practiced sucking the tip

With circumcision
  • friction is excited to feel under
  • head skin of the trunk just below the head is the most sensitive part
  • Oral sex is practiced by licking the skin under the head

Condoms and circumcision

For those not circumcised condom use is more acceptable as sexual relations are very similar, but for those who do have circumcision, condom use considerably reduces the feeling of friction on the skin below the glans (to have a layer of plastic over it.)

is why circumcised men often refuse to use condoms more than those without (in general, they can still be cases in which this does not apply, every person is different.)

Penis size and condom

This is another crucial point in the use of condoms. And that is when the condom is bigger than the penis, it also reduces sensitivity. This usually happens when the seller (or seller) gives a condom thicker penis size to the buyer, whether a mistake or just give you the size standard "and the buyer has a lower than average penis.

Here comes the cultural, as ANY man would say "I need one more guy " (not known to the person who is selling it), because it would reduce its " manhood."

This obviously results in unsatisfactory experiences for men and the bank to opt for the alternative of not using condoms. Solutions

course there are solutions to this. Unfortunately few measures have been taken in this respect and there is much misinformation. Let's look at the alternatives.

- For smaller penises. Here the ideal solution would be in any store or pharmacy that sell condoms ALWAYS offer smaller first in existence. Thus man will never have to ask one more guy, and vice versa, will be proud when you say " do not have one bigger? ." (And of course, also to ensure a supply of condoms of different sizes in all the establishments that they are marketed.)

Obviously this would involve a major national campaign, or perhaps establish laws that require sellers to take these measures.

However, this does not solve the problem of those who are circumcised.

- For circumcised penises or smaller than normal . This alternative would apply to almost all cases, regardless of whether there is circumcision, regardless of size or anything else: The female condom.

- female condoms. Are larger than males. Are placed inside the vagina and out a small portion of them to protect the entrance. The great advantage is that not "stick " the male penis, but the vagina, so that man has his penis fully exposed and may feel that sense of friction with the skin (or latex) when penetration. Still, if the penis is small there is no problem because the vagina is continuing its normal size and there is that feeling of empty space, but that it could be felt without using a condom. Conclusion

For any case (at least most) where the man does not want to use condoms, the best alternative is the female condom. Unfortunately they are more expensive than male condoms, there is low, are sold very little, do not advertise on television and there is much misinformation regard.

hope that governments take action on the matter and help prevent disease transmission.

Meanwhile if you are a woman you need to do is buy female condoms if you think it is possible to have sex with any man. Very few will resist it, unlike traditional condoms. Also do not have to ask anything or tell you to do anything. You and you put it on and ready, he does what he has to do.

Hope this is useful for all readers and all readers of this blog.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Take A Boat From New Jersey To New York Free

Book of the Month: May 2009 - 1984 Florence

the turn of this novel, quite good. I loved her long ago read and never found in bookstores so I looked recently digital formats and it was not difficult. I did not want it to end.

read is also crucial to understand the origin of the term "Big Brother" or "Big Brother", as it is in this novel that first mentioned.

There is also another very good novel by the same author called Animal Farm.

Here is my review:

A perfect society based on thought control. Each individual supervised at all times. This novel is a critique of totalitarian systems, approached from the standpoint of an ordinary citizen. Winston's story is told by an omniscient narrator, which is little away from the protagonist's life.

government control is almost everywhere, and though the poor areas are completely free, there is no reason to fear them as no threat. The real threat is in the minds of thinking citizens. That is the most dangerous and difficult to control by the government.

semantics plays a major role in building society by Newspeak. The language sets forth the scope and limitations of cultural construction that is formed through communication and interaction. Social ties are the foundation of the structure, and these allow the maintenance of the model functionalist perspective.

But no society is perfect. Especially with the likes of Winston who realize that things are not like the government says, and start to consider the idea of \u200b\u200ba different society, maybe better.

currently found in many bookstores. For the online version, there is the link:

How To Play Vba Online With A Mac

Look for Diego

few months ago he received news of Florence began its search for a boy she met at the base and scored seemingly wrong phone number.

Unfortunately, after almost 3 months of searching has failed to find it and has stopped his efforts.

However, cheked your blog, especially if your name is Diego and you are from Guanajuato and met a girl in the socket in the rink.
And a big hug. Good luck with everything! Greetings!

Friday, February 27, 2009

Number Portability Licence Template


have probably already aware of this "new" artist whose main market is for children. Spend all day in the televised spots music with his song "The cow Tomasa."

Well, for starters is not as new as this is Patricia Sirvent, one of the Jeans , daughter of the creator of the group representative and Jeans, Alejandro Sirvent.

We had talked on this blog about the possible disintegration of the Jeans group, but that's another subject.

The point here is to analyze the successes and failures patylu concept, which is aimed primarily at children and tweens.

Consider first the big picture. We have 2 main hypotheses:

a) The child is neglected market.
b) The children's market is saturated.

(note that this is not a scientific or academic study but are used some elements to validate this test.)

Well, it turns out that both hypotheses are correct. But we must develop each of them to understand the situation patylu.

child is neglected market

Indeed, today there are very few artists in the mainstream focused on this market. We are talking mainly from Mexico and other Latin American countries. It's actually a great area of \u200b\u200bopportunity and for this part, it is leveraging patylu perfectly.

The children's market is saturated

This is also very true. Is saturated by artists and foreign characters. Here's a short list: Lazy Town
  • Backyardigans Pocoyo
  • Dora Diego
  • Hi5
The point is that everything they have their live shows in Mexico (and elsewhere). But still we got to the final point.

What are all these characters together?

The first clue: It's something that has not patylu.

The second clue: It's something that other Mexican artists focused on the children they have had.

And what is it?

Well, the answer is not complicated:

A television program

In the case of Mexico have for example Chabelo, Tatiana, the twins Ivonne e Ivette, etc.

The difference between success and failure is precisely patylu consider that point. Getting a TV show.

Unlike other genres, in Mexico there NO radio stations dedicated to teen and preteen audience, which would be ideal for patylu. On the contrary there are many television channels dedicated to these audiences and therefore it should be their course.

Bottom line, if not get a patylu TV failure is almost certain, but if successful it is almost assured éxtito.

Bonus points:

"If it goes a little over her miniskirt (and rather short at the time) could capture much of the adult male audience.

"The title of the song" The cow Tomasa "sounds much like the traditional song" La Negra Tomasa. " Perhaps it was part of his inspiration, but it may also help you to get closer to a more adult audience than the child.

Monday, February 16, 2009

White Toblerone In Adelaide

Finding love in a February 14

I went. 2 days ago (14 February). Probably happened to many people, but the interesting thing is not the "love story" but the "story of heartbreak" that came as "attachment" (attachment).

No, I rejected the contrary. We were flirting with her eyes for several minutes (maybe more than 10 or 15, do not know, everything happened so fast and so slow). Every moment that could turned around and gave me a flirty look that I answered the same way. It was "love at first sight." I could not take my eyes from her perfect face, her beautiful hair, when I realized I was seeing earlier. Even immediately saw as his companion (or companions?) And I noticed it looked, too, but with a look half critical, feeling and what our implied involved coquetry. Then it was obvious ke him some comments on the "love of my life." Definitely not made any negative comment as he continued flirting with looks. He kept turning to me at every opportunity he had.

He had not felt these butterflies in the stomach. And of course, uncertainty and doubt that if I also liked.

But as I said, after both visual flirting ritual had no doubt. I stopped my walk to continue the ritual. Was less than 10 meters from me. Back the way he came, and was less than 2 feet from me. As exceeded 3 meters turned back to her beautiful eyes, perfect, had always dreamed of.

It's like when you see someone and you know it's the love of your life until you marry this person (till death do us part) even without having ever heard his voice. And no, it was an emotional issue induced by the mentioned 14 of Februrary. Moreover, not even crossed my mint that date throughout the course of that flirtation. I was leaving school class and was thinking how stupid it was the teacher and that I meet the person who had so often dreamed. On top of that person would respond positively to all the signs! Moreover, I realized not date until several hours later!

Unfortunately, while all this happened my brain had to work. No, I know it is not poetic. But unfortunately I realized that was something that could not be. (Yes, may sound like Greek tragedy, but I decided to avoid the tragic process as if it had continued, as it knew the end was not very positive, either for me or for the love of my life, so there was little sense.)

Finally waited to turn around the last of me, and he did. I threw my last sign to know that they actually liked me and he said much the same way. Then I left. To my eternal solitude, wishing all the best for future, probably with someone else, but it did not matter as he preferred his happiness with someone else, their unhappiness with me.

(Sorry, but I can not give many details. The story of unrequited love was written decades ago and therefore does not depend on me to change it. I feel like Haruki Murakami [see full story: http://sininstrucciones.blogspot. com/2008/05/al-ver-la-chica-100-perfecta-una-bella.html ; view video summary: individual & VideoID = 39757126 ]).

Old School Motorcycle Tires

The Clique

The novel is a novel aimed at teens and preteens, mostly women, which already also made a movie (DVD only). Have also written several other novels after the original (I think There are currently more than 15) became a hit series with several best-sellers.

The novel is about a girl of about 12 to 13 years (7th grade) in a private school in New York. The "Clique" is the most popular girl group of that grade, but the world is altered when a girl reaches fewer resources to the city, are staying in the guest house of the leader (just behind his house) and above must go to school with her and her other friends.

The tone is quite superficial, that sounds like "Mean Girls" (Mean Girls with Lindsay Lohan), but the story is good and captivating. Handles good levels of tension throughout the plot.

Personally I liked it. I could not stop reading it. It took me like 2 or 3 days. Also do not have the classic "moral" that the novels tend to have teens and tweens. It is highly recommended (unless you think that all books must have a moral).

Contrary to what I expected, I liked it because it is quite faithful to the novel (within the possible, of course, say, moving a novel 200 pages to 90 minutes of film can not be done without a lot of omissions). I mean, it was obvious ke could not appear on film several scenes, as when Claire gets off the bottom of the bikini showing her buttocks and moving them to attract attention, especially considering the age of the protagonists.

However, is very cool and very fashion throughout the show despite the young age of the girls. The dress very consistent, from bikinis to micro-minis and micro-shorts, as we see in the picture below (click for larger view):

Anyway, the movie is pretty good, unfortunately could not reach in theaters by the audience it is addressed. And, unlike other similar films, it was directed to a very specific audience: girls 11 to 15 years mainly. This is an age at which they can now go to the movies alone (unlike the movie of the Bratz aimed at a younger age so who needed to go with their parents) and its major focus the female market, either was easy to go with the groom, and that is why we decided to take it out on DVD. Get it


The novel came out a English version published by Alfaguara, in any form is very difficult to find in the libraries (although it is best seller in English). Buy online is usually the most viable option.

Like the novel, it is very difficult to find outside the United States. Not usually be in favor of piracy, but I think the best option to achieve would see it and then download it by torrent download subtitles.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Sample Cover Letter Car Sales

pants Download a friend and burn video

Well, here's another video joke, pretty good.

turns out that one of the teens lowers her shorts to her friend while another records the event. The interesting thing is that the victim is not wearing panties, so you can see his buttocks during the video. The one who moves the camera filming so there is no recorded the buttocks of her friend, but either way, are recorded in the cell. Finally, this recording (or someone else who had access to that video, but was probably the same as you recorded it) raises an interesting video on the Internet.

Now, another interesting point is that it lowers the victim's shorts have front, so we ended up seeing the pussy (vagina) of his friend less than 30 centimeters and may decide to drop to the ground impact dead laughter.

Finally, I hope to remain the best friends (BFF ) as they were up before the video appeared on the Internet.

Well, this pretty interesting. Benefit:

She Pulled Down Her Shorts, No Panties! - Enf