Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Emperor Ts-5010 Opiniones

Criticism Dare to Dream [telenovela]

I decided to write this post since I have not found online any criticism of this soap opera that includes the points I mentioned. Indeed, the only decent review I found about it is an academic essay written by Ivon Barrera Noguez who approaches the subject from the critical theory Horkheimer and Adorno . They can be found at the following address: .mx / spip.php? Article115

Well, I begin:


main market which is focused this soap opera are NOT teens (adolescents), but tweens ( tw eens ) of 8 to 11 years of age. And, since the characters have about 13 to 14 years old (well, right now and all are 14), it is difficult for someone that age to identify with the characters. While it is known that people tend to identify with characters of the same age and physical characteristics, children and young people seeking their slightly older models precisely because they would be higher, as well as adults and older adults identify with characters young as they would like to be young. Ironically

In a production of such magnitude as is Dare to Dream (Mexican version of "Ugly Duckling"), there are NO coincidences. Absolutely everything that appears is there for a reason. And because the soap is full of ironies, we know that were placed on purpose. Here are some examples. Popular

turns out that the group of ugly, no stick, and losers who want to be popular are calling themselves popular. I mean, the ugliest girl in the whole school, which is above the provincial poor (Ducky) is popular! in this case the popular term is applied to "represent the people." Camp

The name of the school. Here the reference is obviously towards Camp Rock, Disney film with Demi Lovato and Jonas Brothers , although within the novel means "School of Plastic Arts and Music." I mean, bad grammar tells us the meaning that was put to the force because they had to call CAMP and was the first thing that happened to them.

But on the other hand, the word comes from French Camp camper is , which means "pose in an exaggerated form." Is defined as "banality, artifice, mediocrity, or ostentation so extreme as to cause an attractive sophisticated" in reference to the banality and triviality of the middle class naif. And that is precisely what they represent the school and its students within the novel. They are the middle class that seeks naif belong to the elite upper class imitating their characteristics and cultural habits.

The best example for this is the divine, which are the fashion dress and are the upper class.

The divine

The problem here is that in fact the upper class is not like the divine, but the soap opera says yes, precisely so that the consuming public soap opera as well as the characters and thus achieve the same social status.

And that's to use pens with teddy ... "Hello? It is most naco! But right now are selling like hotcakes because all the girls want to bring one to feel the divine.

Then, Loser said that making the hand signal, is so old fashioned! Loser

few months ago, passing through the center of the city and saw two girls leaving a store. Must have been between about 16-18 years. Total who were just off and stared into his eyes, to think about something they had seen inside the store and then one made the sign of L with his hand on his forehead and said "loser." I stayed with the face of "what?". I mean, no one does that! What's wrong? "In what century?

Days later, that same week, I saw Camp Rock and precisely is a bad scene where he tells a good "loser" by the symbol with her hand on the forehead (though in English says "Whatever Major Loser ") and Demi Lovato replied" That's so old fashioned. Everybody knows it. Ohh, sorry, I do not think the whole world "thus ending ridiculing of poor mill is believed to use that as a sign outdated. I stayed "ahh! I won it! Nooo! "But no, I say, the film had already been written, produced, filmed and distributed prior to that I can think that, so no, I stole it from the mind. To me it occurred to me until I saw the girls outside the store.

The term loser together with their respective sign became popular in American culture during the late 90's and began to fall into disuse early in the new millennium as it was overexploited by different media products aimed at the teen market. The ultimate use of this type and that also marked its decline was the film of the same name "Loser" (quite bad, in fact) released in 2000, with Jason Biggs (of American Pie ).

Today the term "loser" is still used, but without the corresponding signal, and has evolved into more complex forms as "LBR (Loser Beyond Recognition) or" Ew "(Eternal Wannabe).

In Mexico, the only media space that contributes to popularize the term and the signal within the country is on the agenda Otro Rollo Adal Ramones precisely at the beginning of the millennium, when the United States begins to be totally gone from fashion. Bone and the worst is that not even a teen program to do that, but which is a type-aged and leaving with his cap like a youngster trying to imitate the language of those who are 20 or 30 years younger than him. Fortunately he took off his Peter Pan complex (the eternal child), his hat, left the program and began to make things more consistent with their age.

recently premiered in the United States a musical number called "Glee," which also use this sign as part of the logo and the slogan says "sounds good to be a Loser." However, in the same advertising is recognized that Glee is full of stereotypes and clichés, and during episodes mentioned is not used precisely because they do not sign among adolescents using school as are his characters. Dark Girl

Among the "popular" (the mob because) there's a girl believed to be dark (Marisol) but rather seems emo and it turns out that the "divine" will put nickname "Raven" and angry! I mean, not like! (Dare to dream journal, No. 8, Year 1, pg. 36) Instead, it should be proud of the nickname, of course, if truth were dark. And is that the reference is obviously for the movie "The Crow" ( The Crow, 1994 ) that is an icon within the culture dark. Is everything that is classic emo not even know why she dresses in black (which is one reason why darks and other hate groups emos, so dress for fashion and not ideology). And then, look at the image below, say, the wallpaper is not official, but he did a fan, but cheked nomas razor blades! with hearts! Ewww! Mega- emo.

Well, I got sick of such garbage masquerading as " in " in this telenovela. They say it will end on April 30, 2010 (day of the child). Hopefully that will not last a day or more.


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